From the old brown church the bells were ringing : sunday , sunday , sunday 那褐色的老教堂的钟声响着:礼拜,礼拜,礼拜!
The bell is ringing 电话铃响了。
The bells were ringing for service in all the churches , just as on all other sundays 像往常的星期日一样,各教堂响起了作礼拜的钟声。
In this ceremony , a bell is rung 108 times to help the people chase away the 108 weaknesses 在这个庆典上,将会敲钟108次,其意为帮助人们赶走108项弱点。
The bells are ringing and the lights are ablaze . at last , christmas is here 当璀璨闪烁的灯饰亮起,悠扬乐韵响起时,普天同庆的圣诞节及元旦又再度降临!
Bell is ringing , the new year is coming to me , but my heart flies to you . may our hearts resonate although we can ' t dance together 钟声响了,新年向我走来了,我的心儿却飞向你的身旁,不求同步起舞,只愿心儿合着一个节拍跳动。
He followed with his eye each movement of teresa and her cavalier ; when their hands touched , he felt as though he should swoon ; every pulse beat with violence , and it seemed as though a bell were ringing in his ears 他的眼睛紧盯着德丽莎和她的舞伴的每一个动作。当他们的手相触的时候,他觉得自己都快要晕过去了他的脉搏剧烈地跳着,象是有一只钟在他的耳边大敲特敲。